Error codes

Code values let you map your own localized message, and msg values are just sample error messages:

1000 : Authentication failed

1100 : api_sig is a required field

1150 : api_key is a required field

1200 : ts - timestamp is a required field

1201 : ts - timestamp must be numeric

1250 : data is a required field

1251 : JSON data cannot be decoded

1300 : type is a required field

1301 : job_type is not supported

1302 : identifier missing

1303 : quote missing

1304 : invalid tier

1305 : quote number of files exceeds limit

1306 : quote file size exceeds limit

1350 : body_src is a required field

1351 : Invalid body text

1352 : content type invalid

1400 : lc_src is a required field

1450 : lc_tgt is a required field

1500 : tier is a required field

1501 : filename is a required field

1551 : language service is not supported

1601 : callback_url must be a valid URL

1651 : auto_approve must be 0 or 1

1701 : use_preferred must be 0 or 1

1751 : "custom_data" is over maximum storage limit (1kb)

1754 : system detected an identical payload within a 5 minute window

1758 : "custom_data" must be of type string

1800 : jobs is a required field

1801 : jobs files mismatch

1802 : file upload failed (did you check that the file is correct and the extension supported?)

1803 : missing file key

1804 : jobs identifier missing

1851 : as_group must be 0 or 1

1901 : process must be 0 or 1

1950 : These jobs cannot be grouped (they have different tiers, source or target languages)

1951 : You cannot group a single job

2000 : body is a required field

2010 : invalid attachment

2050 : job_id is a required field

2100 : Unauthorized job access

2150 : revision_id is a required field

2200 : Unauthorized revision access

2250 : Job is not reviewable

2251 : Job cannot be purchased (incorrect state)

2252 : Job cannot be canceled (incorrect state)

2300 : comment is a required field

2350 : reason is a required field

2450 : Invalid follow-up value

2500 : rating is a required field

2501 : “rating” must be a numeric value between 1 and 5

2502 : “rating” must be between 1 and 5

2503 : public flag must be a boolean

2550 : Jobs’ group id is missing

2600 : Unauthorized job group access

2650 : Invalid job status

2700 : Not enough credits - please top up

2750 : Unauthorized order access

2751 : Order canceled before processing (please wait until the order is out of our queue)

2752 : “tone” is over the maximum allowed size (128 characters)

2753 : “purpose” is over the maximum allowed size (128 characters)

2800 : API temporarily unavailable