API Methods

account/stats (GET) : Retrieves account stats, such as orders made.

account/balance (GET) : Retrieves account balance in credits.

account/preferred_translators (GET) : Retrieves preferred translators set by user.

translate/job/{id} (GET) : Retrieves a specific job.

translate/job/{id} (PUT) : Updates a job to translate.

translate/job/{id} (DELETE) : Cancels the job. You can only cancel a job if it has not been started already by a translator.

translate/job/{id}/revision/{rev_id} (GET) : Gets a specific revision for a job.

translate/job/{id}/revisions (GET) : Gets list of revision resources for a job. Revisions are created each time a translator or Senior Translator updates the text.

translate/job/{id}/feedback (GET) : Retrieves the feedback you have submitted for a particular job.

translate/job/{id}/comment (POST) : Submits a new comment to the job’s comment thread.

translate/job/{id}/comments (GET) : Retrieves the comment thread for a job.

translate/jobs (GET) : Retrieves a list of resources for the most recent jobs filtered by the given parameters.

translate/jobs/{ids} (GET) : Retrieves a list of jobs. They are requested by a comma-separated list of job ids.

translate/jobs (POST) : Submits a job or group of jobs to translate.

translate/order (GET) : Retrieves a specific order containing all jobs.

translate/order (DELETE) : Deletes all available jobs in an order.

translate/glossary (GET) : Retrieves a list of glossaries that belongs to the authenticated user

translate/glossary/{id} (GET) : Retreives a glossary by Id

translate/service/language_pairs (GET) : Returns supported translation language pairs, tiers, and credit prices.

translate/service/languages (GET) : Returns a list of supported languages and their language codes.

translate/service/quote (POST) : Returns credit quote and unit count for text based on content, tier, and language pair for job or jobs submitted.

translate/service/quote/file (POST) : Uploads files to Gengo and returns a quote for each file, with an identifier for when client is ready to place the actual order. Price quote is based on content, tier, and language pair.

translate/service/unit_count (GET) : Returns unit type and unit count for text based on content and language code submitted.